

Nilai UTS Geografi XI IPS

Asri 94
Aulia Rizki Amalia 80
Devi Hidayanti 85
Dian Friantoro 84
Farhanita Riziq 90
Fathya Rizkiati Sundani 82
Ima Asy Syarifah 81
Irwan Harjanto 88
Kautsa Isnawati 89
Nurmalita Utami 89
Puti Priyanka Andiyani 87
Risti Nur Arifah 88
Rizki Bayu Andhika 90
Sinta Uswatun Hasanah 79
Sri Fatmawati 89
Tia Alpianita - >>> orangnya ilang sakit pas lagi ujian
Tony Mawastya 92
Yelsi Gusmaini 84
Yogaswara 80


VIVA EL SOPHOMORE~~~ #gunyudance



Way to Go (Him Nae!)

another work of SNSD...

Way to Go (Him Nae!)

Himeul naerago malhaejulrae
geu nuneul banjjakyuh nal ileukyuhjulrae

saramdeuleun modu wonhaji deo bbalri duh manhi
o nan pyuhngbuhmhan sonyuhinguhl

(Yoona) barameun jayurounde
(Sooyoung) moreugesseo dadeul eodironji

hajiman himeul nae, imankeum watjanha
iguhtjjeumeun juhngmal byuhlguh anya
sesangeul dwijipji~hah!
domuji mal su uhpsneun guhtbbunin
bokjaphan i jiguga jaemissneun geu iyuneun hana

saranghandago malhaejulrae
jichin nuhl gamssago hamgge usuhjulrae

saramdeuleun modu wonhaji
duh bbalri duh manhi
o nan pyuhngbuhmhan sonyuhinguhl

(Yuri) haneuleun juhrido pirande
(Hyoyeon) moreugessuh dadeul uhdiro ga

hajiman himeul nae, imankeum wotjanha
iguhtjjeum juhngmal byuhlguh anya
sesangeul dwijipji~hah!
domuji al su eopsneun guhtbbunin
bokjaphan i jiguga jaemitneun geu iyuneun hana
baro na

(Tiffany+Jessica) i like you just the way you are
you set me free

(Tiffany) set me free, my boy~

(Jessica) nega natanan dwi (I've been changed) modeun ge dalrajyuhssuh


hajiman himeul nae, imankeum wotjanha
iguhtjjeumeun juhngmalbyuhlguh anya
sesangeul dwijiphyuhssuh!
domuji al su eopsneun guhtbbunin
bokjaphan i jiguga jaemitneun geu iyuneun hana

yes, it's you
ready for your love

juhngmal byuhlguh anya

domuji al su eopsneun guhtbbunin
bokjaphan i jiguga jaemitneun geu iyuneun hana
baro nuh


Can you tell me to find strength?
Can you raise me up by sparkling your eyes?

Everyone wants it faster, more
Oh But I'm just an ordinary girl

The wind moves freely but
I don't know where everyone is

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
Let's change this world!
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you

Can you tell me that you love me?
Can you embrace me and laugh together?

Everyone wants it faster and more
oh but I'm just an ordinary girl

The sky is so blue but
I don't know where everyone is heading

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
Let's change this world!
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you

I like you just the way you are
you set me free set me free, my boy

Ever since you showed up (I've been changed)
Everything changed
From now on, let's start again

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
We've changed the world
The one thing I know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you
Ready for your love (This is really nothing at all)
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
And that's you!

*lagu Way to Go baru saja terpilih sebagai lagu yang paling memberikan semangat, harapan, dan keberanian di Korea. Beat-nya yang cepat, nada yang bersemangat, lirik yang mendukung, serta vokal enerjik para anggota SNSD membuat orang-orang memilih lagu ini sebagai lagu yang tepat sebagai penyemangat hidup.*

Lagu ini sengaja gue taro di sini buat menyemangati semua orang yang nyambangin blog gue. Spirit to reach your dreams! :*


Me and My BF

#np SNSD - My Best Friend

Yakk... kali ini gue mau cerita soal bespren gue yang setia nemenin gue dalam hal menggila, menggalau, menggiring, menggodek *loh...*

Photo taken @ Daarut Tauhid, Bandung
Time: Study tour Apollo-Algebra, October 2010

Annisaur Rosi Lutfiana
4 Mei 1995
Kabupaten Serang

Awal mula cerita, ketemu di kelas X-C Dangerz. Dia nomor absen 1, gue nomor 16 *apa 17? Lupa.* Gak deket, biasa aja, soalnya dia dieeeeeem aja di kelas, mojok sendiri dengan laptop, headset, sama buku fisikanya. Kontak-kontakan cuma waktu nanya soal tugas.

Takdir mempersatukan kita di kamar 205 ketika kita menginjak ke semester dua kelas satu. Letak kasur diselang sama satu kasur, kasurnya Raden. Awalnya biasa aja, tapi lama-lama jadi deket karena ternyata kita punya banyak kesamaan. Kita jadi partner dalam membudayakan lagu-lagu alternative di kamar yang rata-rata penghuninya demen lagu mellow. Kita sama-sama gila nulis dan nggambar. Kita sama-sama punya love life yang abstrak dan kacau. Sama-sama freak soal EYD dan ngekritik abis cara penulisan anak CM yang rata-rata, maaf, ga pake kaidah nulis yang bener dan akhirnya bikin males buat baca tulisannya, padahal isi tulisannya bagus.

Yang penting: kita merasa ada yang kurang kalo nggak ada satu sama lain.

Emang sih, kita nggak selalu bareng kemana-mana kayak SpongeBob sama Patrick, tapi rasa kebersamaan sama saling butuhnya adaaaa banget. Contohnya kayak minggu lalu, udah rada lama gue nggak ngobrol sama dia. Tau-tau kita papasan pas mau ke dapur dan dia bilang, "Kayaknya udah lama kita gak ngobrol. Kangen."

Hayayaya~~~ maklum aja, ini persahabatan dua orang cewek cuek yang punya dunia impian masing-masing. Dunia merah-hitamnya dia sama dunia hitam-pink gue. Dicampur, jadi utopia abstrak.


Satu kata yang paling kita sering ucapin kalo lagi ngobrol berdua: 'bodoh'. Bukan goblok, gobla, geblek, apalah... tapi murni 'bodoh'. Haha, mungkin bawaan karena sering nulis #plak

Satu hal yang biasanya pasangan sahabat sering lakuin tapi jarang banget kita lakuin: pelukan, pegangan tangan, elus-elusan pundak, apalah. Ochi punya prinsip 'don't touch me' yang malah bikin gue iseng buat meluk dia. Jadinya kita kalo ngobrol berdua ya ngobrol aja. Salah satu momen kita pelukan itu waktu lagi LDKS, waktu ada acara hypnoterapi sama Ustadz Asep. Waktu Ustadz Asep nyuruh kita buat meluk sahabat kita, Ochi langsung narik tangan gue dan meluk gue.

Di momen itu, gue langsung sadar kalo dia adalah bener-bener sahabat gue.

Momen lain adalah ketika gue lagi nangis di lapangan gara-gara dibentak Gajoy waktu ribut soal SDC. Gue yang bingung dan kaget sontak nangis *dikelilingin anak-anak kelas 1 dan 2, sumpah malu-maluin abis* dan tau-tau, ada tangan meluk bahu gue dari belakang. Gue kenal banget sama tangan berjari-jari lentik itu.

Satu lagi momen penegasan.

Hellyeah I love her so :) entah kayak apa hidup gue jadinya kalo ga ada dia, hahaha

Tapi kayaknya masa depan kita nanti bakal pisah haluan. Ochi ngejar Teknik Industri ITB semetara gue ngejar Ilmu Sejarah UI. Tapi kita sama-sama pegang cadangan yang sama: FSRD ITB.

Mungkin emang takdirnya kalo nanti kita bakal kepisah jarak ratusan kilo, mengejar impian masing-masing. Kalo emang itu yang terbaik buat kita, kenapa nggak?

Akhir, gue mau bilang: thanks a lot, partner. We've done great 'til now :D

Cropped from a webcamshoot of 205, edited in Photoshine :D


It's Called as GALAU

Feeling sad? Not really.
Feeling happy? Not really, too.
Feeling lonely? Kinda.
Feeling homesick? A lot.
Feeling guilty? Yes, because I break my fasting too soon today :'(
Feeling GALAU?


Uggghhhh >.<



Location: Fort Marlborough, Bengkulu
Event: Year-end holiday 2010

Gue dan adek gue.

Adek gue.

Nama Lengkap: Talitha Amy Bratandari
Panggilan: Amy, Aming, Amsyong, Cungkring, Talitha
TTL: Jakarta, 16 April 2001
Sekolah: SDIT Asy-Syukriyyah kelas 4
FB: cari aja pake nama panjangnya
Twitter: @talithaamy

Adek gue, in the short word, merupakan entitas yang sedang diusahakan orangtua gue untuk jadi kopian gue. Honestly, gue ngerasa kasian juga sama dia. Kenapa gue sebut dia sebagai kopian gue?

1. Dia sama-sama disekolahin di SDIT Assta.
2. Sama-sama dipaksasuruh les matematika di KUMON meski gue tau, kemampuan logika dan matematisnya nggak bagus-bagus amat.
3. Sama-sama dengan suka rela les di Rainbow Learning Center, Modernland. Tempat les yang bagus + kemampuan linguistik yang handal = bahasa Inggris adek gue jauh diatas gue waktu seumuran dia. Dia udah berani ngomong meski grammar dan pronounciation masih agak acak-acakan.
4. Sama-sama tukang ngehayal. Imajinasi terlalu tinggi.
5. Sama-sama dikasih baju yang kecowok-cowokan; kargo, kaos oblong, potongan rambut pendek.
6. Sama-sama bengal dan liar.
7. Sama-sama suka SNSD.
8. Sama-sama monet (monster ngenet).

Bedanya dia dari gue:

1. Cenderung lebih cerewet dari pada gue waktu gue seumur dia.
2. Cinta warna gold sementara gue maniak pink.
3. Cengeng dan bawel.
4. Lebih betah pake rok daripada gue.
5. Lebih banyak ngomong daripada nulis.
6. Fisiknya bugar.
7. Kurus =______=
8. Kinestetis abis sementara gue lebih ke visual-audio.
9. Item gosong. Gak ngerawat diri.
10. Kalo luka pasti gara-gara kelincahannya, bukan kayak gue yang luka gara-gara kecerobohan.

Gue pengen dia buat jadi dirinya sendiri. Jadi seorang 'Amy', bukan 'Puti kedua'. Bukan kopian gue.

Love ya, sist. Maaf kalo Uni sering nyuruh-nyuruh kamu di rumah. Hehehehe.



Girls are amazing. She could be cryingg all day long just because of a little thing that hurts her. And also, just because a little thing that she doesn't even know, she would be happy all day long.

That's why I love to be a girl :)


Another #nowplaying

Konbanwa, minna-san~

Yakk, untuk postingan junk yang satu ini, gue akan menjembrengkan salah satu artis yang lagi gue raving banget akhir-akhir ini...


Apa itu SNSD?

SNSD (So-Nyuh-Shi-Dae, Girls Generation) adalah sebuah girlband K-Pop dengan anggota sejumlah 9 orang cewek imut. Masih satu manajemen sama SuJu dan ShiNEE, di SM Entertainment. Pertama nongol tahun 2007. Anggotanya:

1. Taeyeon (Kim Tae-yeon), main singer, leader.
2. Jessica (Jessica Jung), main singer
3. Sunny (Lee Soonkyu), lead singer
4. Tiffany (Stephanie Hwang), lead singer
5. Hyoyeon (Kim Hyoyeon), main dancer, supporting singer
6. Yuri (Kwon Yuri), supporting singer, 2nd main dancer
7. Sooyoung (Choi Sooyoung), supporting singer, lead dancer
8. Yoona (Im Yoona), supporting singer, lead dancer
9. Seohyun (Seo Joohyun), lead singer

Kenapa SNSD? Kenapa nggak ST12?

Jelas karena SNSD lebih keren dari ST 12 #plak. Lebih tepatnya karena gue dicekokin abis-abisan sama temen-temen sekamar gue dan akhirnya gue ketularan. Lagian lagu mereka emang enak-enak dan dance-nya juga keren kok.

Anggota favorit?

HYOYEON-ONNY!!! Sumpeh, meski banyak orang yang gak gitu suka dia, gue suka karena dia kelihatannya agak chubby dan fashion-nya pun agak beda dengan yang lain.

Lagu dan MV favorit?

Into the New World. Arti lagunya ngena banget. Dan oh yah, ini single pertama mereka. :D

Next... kayaknya Genie, Run Devil Run, Way to Go, Chocolate Love, Hoot, Oh!, Gee, Dear mom, Tinkerbell, trus... apa lagi ya? Lupa. Hehehe.

Ah, kalo nanya lirik lagunya, pasti gak ngerti. Artinya aja deh...

Ok, ini translate dari lagu Into the New World. Kalo mau tau kayak apa lagunya, silahkan cari di 4shared atau yutub atau langsung minta ke gue. Hehe.

SNSD - Into the New World (English Translation)

I want to tell you, even though the sad times have already past
Close your eyes and feel, how you affect my mind, how you attract my gaze.

Don't wait for a miracle, there's a rough road in front of us
with obstacles and future that can't be known, yet I won't change, I can't give up.

Keep your love unchanging for my wounded heart
Looking in your eyes, no words are needed, time has stopped.

I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world's unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It's something we'll do together to the end, into the new world.

Don't wait for a miracle, there's a rough road in front of us
with obstacles and future that can't be known, yet I won't change, I can't give up.

Keep your love unchanging for my wounded heart
Looking in your eyes, no words are needed, time has stopped.

I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world's unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It's something we'll do together to the end, into our new world.

Feeling alone in this dark dark night
Your soft breath,
This moment, warmly entwines me in your presence.
I want you to know all my tremors

I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world's unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It's something we'll do together to the end, into our new world.

Kenapa ada yang di-bold?

Itu bagian lirik yang paling gue suka. :)

Udah lah, pegel!

Ya udah sono, gue juga mau tidur! :p


Gitu aja, people. Kalo mau tau kayak apa SNSD lebih jauh, silahkan tanya ke om Gugel.

Sowoneul malhaebwa~~~


AlternMotivation: Listen and Pay Attention to the Lyrics!

#1. Paramore - Brighter

So this is how it goes
Well I, I would have never known
And if it ends today
Well I'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not this time.

Well this is not your fault
But if I'm without you
Then I will feel so small
And if you have to go
Well always know that you shine brighter than anyone does.

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not this time.

If you run away now,
Will you come back around?
And if you ran away,
I'd still wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright.

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not this time.

I'll wave goodbye (You shine bright)
Watching you shine bright (You shine bright)
I'll wave goodbye tonight (You shine bright)

#2. Saosin - You're not Alone

It's just like him
To wander off in the evergreen park
Slowly searching for any sign
Of the ones he used to love..

He says he's got nothing left to live for
(He says he's got nothing left...)
And this time I think you'll know..

You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell

She's just like him
Spoiled rotten
Confused by the lies she's been fed
And she's searching for no one..
(But herself)
Her eyes turn to green and she seems to be happy
That she is here
And this time I think you'll know...

You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell

You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out

(There is more to know)

We're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell..
(So tell me)

You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
(Make it out)
You will live to tell
(Live to tell)
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
(And I know)
You can make it out
You will live to tell..

You are not alone.
You're not, you're not alone

*posting rada junk, I know :p specially dedicated to the people who feel down, to tell that I'm here to support... :)*