

Pernyataan Resmi

Badgers, either you're my senior, my classmate, my junior, or even my teacher, please read this post.

I never feel really sorry for already made Licious hit Thatcher in her face. I made Licious said sorry just because I felt that she had to, or you would give her more detentions. Inside, I'm not feeling sorry at all. In fact, I feel really satisfied for do that. I do really want to make Licious hit her in her face, punch her, and do anything sadistic to her. Yeah, you may call me as a psycho, sadistic, or cold-blooded, but, it’s the fact; it’s me. I’m different from Licious. She’s a good girl, but when the accident happened, my personality got into her, made her became as sadistic as me.

Special to the Puppet Master of Dellarra Rabneds Thatcher, you’re too impolite. Your words make me upset. Until this post was written, I’m still mad to you. Don’t ever think that I really need your sorry; no, I don’t need it. I think I did the right thing. A girl like you should get something like that. If this sh*t happened in the real world, I might have kicked your ass until you can’t get up anymore. I’m serious, chérie. I don’t fuckin’ care if you’re getting more angry to me. I’ve had this kind of conflict once, and you know what? Me and the-girl-who-against-me still have the same opinion until now, and we can solve the problem in the good way. We’re even friends now.

I’m warning you guys again: I’m different from Licious. She’s a badger; I’m a crow. She’s outroverted; I’m introverted. She’s full of smile; I’m lack of smile. She’s unreal; I’m real.

So, beware of me, Puti Priyanka Andiyani, the Puppet Master of Licious Theodora Paradise Bellamy-Howard. But, not to Licious. Licious is a good girl. Once again: Licious is a good girl.


Puti – PM of Licious –

Sengaja pake bahasa Inggris biar lebih ‘ngena’. Mungkin kalian heran, kok PMnya Lice setega ini. Kenyataannya: ya, gue orangnya tegaan. Gue pernah melakukan banyak tindak kejahatan ringan. Gue lebih sadis daripada Lice. Kalian bisa bilang: gue beda daripada gue yang di IH, YM, Facebook, FFn, dan Coffeehouse. Ya, ini sisi lain gue; sisi yang gue keluarkan kalau gue merasa tersinggung, terancam. Tenang aja, buat orang-orang yang nggak punya masalah sama gue, jangan khawatir. Gue cuma berbuat jahat sama orang-orang yang punya masalah sama gue, terutama sama orang yang nggak mengindahkan permintaan maaf chara gue yang gue ucapkan dengan baik-baik.

Miss Thatcher, gue ngasih lo dua pilihan untuk nyelesaiin masalah ini. Satu, adu bacot di YM/deskrip IH; Dua, diplomasi secara baik-baik lewat YM. Terserah lo, yang mana aja gue ladenin.

Segitu dulu aja; gue masih dirundung emosi, takut salah ngomong lagi.

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